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low garlic price
Garlic price keeps low
This year's garlic "unsalable" probability is very big, last year fresh garlic price less than half of last year's price. With the centralized listing of garlic in various regions, the actual market situation of garlic supply remains unchanged, and the price continues to run at a low level.
2020 new garlic price drop down
In 2020, the price of new garlic will drop by more than 50% and that of old garlic by nearly 30%!
In this season, the garlic planting area in Shandong increased by 10% - 15% compared with that in the previous season, and the garlic size was much larger than that in the previous year,
300 tons of Jinxiang garlic arrived in Wuhan during the epidemic of novel coronavirus in China
300 tons of Jinxiang garlic arrived in Wuhan during the epidemic of novel coronavirus in China
300 tons of Jinxiang garlic arrived in Wuhan during the epidemic of novel coronavirus in China,the world's garlic looks at China, and the Chinese garlic looks at Jinxiang.
apple,pear,grapes,mandarin oranges and satsuma oranges
China's apple and fresh pear exports have increased significantly in 2019
China's apple and fresh pear exports have increased significantly
10kg garlic price
The approaching Chinese New Year affects the market price of garlic
The price of garlic has changed in the past few weeks. Prices were higher at the beginning of the season and decreased later. In October, the price of garlic climbed again.
World Food Moscow will be held in Crocus  Expo
World Food Moscow will be held in Crocus Expo from September 24 to 27
WorldFood Moscow will be held 24 to 27 Sep 2019 in Moscow, Russia. WorldFood Moscow is the leading international exhibition for food products.
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