China's garlic production area of Shandong Jinxiang prices continue to fall, near the Chinese Spring Festival, on the basis of the expected increase in garlic procurement demand, did not make the price good market, supply side sales pressure is greater. And domestic and foreign businessmen demand weakness, procurement is more than three. Therefore, in order to reduce inventory, holding new garlic, old garlic supply of goods owners price war intensified, the market is selling lower and lower, as of January 23, Jinxiang garlic general mixing price fell below 7.00 yuan / kg point, garlic price new low. The reasons are: economic recession, consumption downgrade, market demand compression; Oversupply is the current market facing a serious challenge, the past two days old garlic to garlic processing plant self-help behavior started again, with the approach of the Spring Festival, garlic shipment becomes faster, garlic processing plant processing raw materials of enthusiasm can also, domestic consumption is heating up.

Argentina: Mendoza Province garlic planting area increased by 4%; The Ministry of production through the Institute of Rural Development (IDR) issued a new report on the province's garlic planting. The fact is, according to the document, Mendoza planting the area of the product increased by 4% over the last season. On the purple garlic, data show that the planting area increased by 11.5% (1,0373.5 hectares) over the last season. Early white garlic production increased by 72% to 1,474 hectares compared to last season. The total area of red garlic was nearly 1,635 hectares, almost 40% less than last season. The same was true for late white garlic, which was planted on only 347 hectares, a 24% decrease from last season.
India: Lower supply causes higher garlic prices. The supply of old garlic has sharply decreased as the season has ended. Garlic is used all year round; however, with supply periodically going down, prices have sharply increased. The price of garlic has risen to Rs 350 per kg as a result of the supply decrease in the last few weeks. Currently, it is selling for Rs 250 to Rs 300.Garlic will be available for sale from February when the harvest starts. Old garlic will not be available until May. Traders say that garlic prices may fall further after February. The market's confidence in lower prices is mainly based on the prospect of lower garlic exports. Chinese and Iranian garlic has dominated the international market; these garlic have larger cloves. Also, their prices are about 40% lower than Indian garlic. Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer of garlic in India, accounting for 62% of the country's total output.
UK GARLIC IMPORTS: Latest Quota for Garlic Imports from China Announced! Guidance to Traders Notice on 01/24 Import of Garlic from China under Statutory Instrument 2020/1432! Tariff quota for garlic imported from China was opened under Origin Order No. 0703 2000 Sub-period 4 (March to May).

The Red Sea shipping crisis has increased the freight costs of Chinese garlic exports by two to three times. Garlic exports to the Central and South American markets have also been affected by the recent drought in the Panama Canal, which has increased the freight costs and thus the export prices.
source from www.ll-foods.com